Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Those Little Things

Can you believe we've been residents of Oregon for a month now? Wow, neither can I. And we've eaten out exactly 2.4 times since we've been here. I'm actually proud of us for the IMMENSE amount of self control that it has taken to eat at home. Eating out, trying new places and new dishes are thre of Matt and my favorite things, so I know our bank account thanks us for the sacrifice. ;) anyhow, that 2.4 times included:
-a great NE seafood chain with a tasty seafood Cobb (see photo)
-a burger/Chinese place 2 blocks from our house (okay:too greasy)
-and the .4 was a cup of soup from the beautiful Zupan's Market, a specialty grocery in the Pearl District/Downtown. This is my absolute fave kind of grocery store, run like a corner market that you pop into every day or two for a few tasty items. Matt thought they had one of the cleanest and most organized produce section he'd ever seen. It's fun. And, of course, there's a Peet's coffee inside--of course! And I had spicy white chili (photo below), but next time I'll try the banana cold soup(!) (photo below). The description made my eyes pop out with excitement!

Okay, that's all for now. I've learned another thing about Portland (& maybe the NW in general)...personal space is all relative. Not in a creepy way like strangers greeting you nose-to-nose, but sharing tables at an outdoor patio or greeting complete strangers is more common here than in the famously friendly South. Just something to chew on.
I made a super healthy bfast item that ill share ASAP. Happy Tuesday and Labor Day weekend to ya!


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