Happy Valentine's Day!
This has long been one of my favorite days of the year. Aside from the sugar overload and the pretty pink and red decorations on every retail corner, it's a day about love.
How nice, for our society to have so much love in our hearts for each other, bursting out of our chests to share so much that we need a whole day to set aside for our year-round bliss. Right, that's it.
Well, even though we Americans like to commercialize anything sacred and meaningful, it doesn't mean we have to "Debbie Down" this holiday. I mean, we don't have an official holiday for hate, yet, true? We must be doing something right.
So, on this day of restaurant reservations and an overload of wine, flowers, and candy sales, let's just love. All day. And in every way (appropriate).
In order for me to be loving,
...I have to take a backseat to always being the most right, the funniest, the smartest, and the most important.
...I have to remember that beautiful things come out of really horrible situations and really selfish people.
...I must be reminded of how truly good life is for me today. I have food to eat, clean clothes to wear, access to safe drinking water (and hot water for a shower), and people that believe in me.
...I must share what I have, even when I don't want to give those things up.
...I must remember that the world revolves because God created it, and it revolves around all of us, not just me.
...I need to love myself and my faults, as well as others and their crazy flaws.
Sending much love to you on this day!

***Lesson learned: Don't say "Happy VD Day." People will take it the wrong way.*** :)
Happy Valentine's!!
What a wise young woman- thank you for reminding us of how truly blessed we are- Happy Valentines day