Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Don't be scared, it's just Tofu!


I do! But here's what my dear loved ones think:

Mom--Doesn't it look and taste like cardboard?
Dad--The hippie era ended like 25 years ago, Laurel, youknow, when Tears for Fears shook the world...
Hubby--I like tofu, but it's best with a little steak mixed in.

I don't cook much with tofu, mostly I leave slicing and grilling it up to Thai restaurant professionals. But I thought I'd give this a try...

Hella Easy Tofu
1 lb firm tofu
1/3 cup reduced sodium soy sauce
Any other spices you like (crushed red pepper, peanut butter, etc)

1. Mix soy sauce and any other spices in a bowl or coffee cup.
2. Slice tofu into 1/4 inch slices (long or square, whateva) and place on foil-lined cookie sheet. Spray with non-stick spray.
3. Brush soy sauce mixture on both sides of each piece of tofu. Let marinate/sit for 10+ minutes. Bake at 375 for 25--30 minutes, or until brown and crisp on the edges. Inside will be soft and tender.
Baked tofu in a pool of soy sauce. Mmm

The flavor is mild and soy sauce-y, but not too salty. It's really good and too easy!! The best part of tofu is that
1) it's healthy.
2) tofu molds to whatever sauce/flavors you add to it. Example: if you add soy sauce and ground ginger sauce, the tofu will taste like the sauce. Make sure your sauce has lots of flavor.

*same as you would chicken cutlets/nuggets that you can top with gravy or any sauce or dip
*slice into bite-sized pieces for a soup, stir fry, pasta, casserole
*serve on a bun with french fries for a healthy alternative
*any other way you like!! so versatile.

We made a stirfry...

Tofu, sweet peas, celery, broccoli, pineapple, mushrooms on a bed of rice.

And Matt found 2 signs that sum up my parents' destressors in a silly way...hmm, which one is mom's and which is dad's?
Keep calm and go shopping. Keep calm and rock on.

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